Merchants of Norwich: on the trail of the city’s lost fortunes
Here’s my recent travel story for The Independent, a lockdown-friendly tour of our fine city of #Norwich. My quest for clues takes me through the medieval streets of one of East Anglia’s finest cities. It’s a fascinating story: for hundreds of years Norwich was England’s richest provincial city. But just when the rest of the […]
Cultural tourism – how can Suffolk (and Norfolk) build on the ‘Britten impact’?
Benjamin Britten’s centenary is big business for Suffolk’s tourism industry this year, but how can the momentum be maintained year-on-year? I aimed to find out how it could be done. It’s a topic that’s been debated hotly in the New Anglia LEP community, with good reason: Norfolk and Suffolk have a wealth of cultural assets to […]
Branding – evolution or revolution?
Developing a brand for your business is hard work. How do you make sure your rebrand isn’t an expensive disaster? I’ve been talking to Pete Waters, a man who knows about brands and rebranding. He’s dealing with that challenge himself as Brand Manager for Visit Norfolk. “After product, branding is the most important aspect of […]